Trip Report #1 | 2024 Fall Trip

Wheels were up and I departed from Montgomery, AL on Sunday. All went well and I reached Warsaw, Poland on Monday. Tanya and Valery met me at the airport and on Tuesday we travelled by car into Lviv, Ukraine. At Lviv we met Gif as we all were checking into the Hotel!  All bags have arrived and plans are as definite as we can make in a country in a state of war. The “joys” of clawing through jet-lag are the battle!

Upon arriving I learned that we are still in the “clean-up” operations trying to get the Church Statutes revised, occupancy certificate for the Church building and Gif’s extended VISA approved. In January we had been told that “all was done” but we have discovered that not only was all NOT done but it seems there was a deliberate effort to stymy the transition. Thankfully the authorities are assisting and have even offered legal recourses to make sure the criminal problems are corrected with justice on both sides of the Atlantic.

I have received a report on a container we shipped into Kharkov. The distribution has been completed! Here is a note from Mariia along with a few of the many photos she sent from Kharkov (remember that all photos are passed through scanning to make sure they are acceptable). This was a container that shipped in firefighting equipment and supplies to the Kharkov Fire Fighters and there was a great amount of food, medical supplies and other commodities that are desperately needed.

“Dears I am gladly announce that the rice was distributed in the Kharkiv region. Please see below the photo report. Thank you very much for your support of Ukrainians. You can see in these people eyes how much it is important for them. We will publish the completed post soon. Kind regards, Mariia C”

John L. Kachelman, Jr, Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ, Montgomery, AL 36109