Featured Photo: Left to Right: Eugenia, John, Kristina; Tanya; Ben
There are a number of locations in Ukraine that have critical needs. Kherson is definitely one of these locations but unfortunately most of the relief goes to the big cities where the needs are not as severe. Prior to Russia’s invasion we had a significant impact in Kherson and were on the verge of starting a congregation there. Then the invasion came.
Kherson is the largest city in Ukraine that was occupied by Russian troops following the second invasion of 2022. Once occupied, the population was exposed to horrible abuse situations and impossible demands. The Russians decided to “annex” Kherson. An election was held and Russia announced that the city had chosen to join Russia. Citizens were told to turn over passports and documents that identified them as Ukrainian and receive Russian documents. Those refusing were prohibited from buying food and many were removed from their homes. The occupation remains a dark hour of indescribable suffering and abuse for the population.
A surge by the Ukrainian military reclaimed most of the Kherson Region but the Dniper River cuts through the Region. Russian troops and artillery are across the river and continues daily bombardments. Consequently, the city has been closed to foreigners and only accessible to them with special authorization.
Our efforts have continued. Many will remember when Russia destroyed the dam and flooded Kherson. A previous report on this can be found at this link from June 2023: https://www.kachelman.com/ukraine/blog/2023/06/14/update-june-14-2023-kherson-dam-relief/
Our previous work partnered with Eugenia and “MONGOOSE NGO.” She was caught on the others side of the river when the dam was destroyed but managed to return to the city’s side. She has been constantly working to assist those remaining in Kherson.
“Through the grapevine Charita and I were contacted and I met Ben on this trip. He has been involved in relief efforts since 2022 in Kharkiv. He was asked to go to Kherson and assist with relief efforts there. When he arrived, he met a number of citizens eager to assist. One of these was Kristina who was staying in Kherson with her parents and grandparents. She had endured the horrors of the Russian occupation and was trying to help any relief efforts. She and Ben teamed up with a number of other volunteers and have formed a solid network. I will not go into details about the on-going efforts but will mention them in face-to-face reports to supporters.
At this point the city of Kherson receives 300+ bombs, missiles, and suicide drone attacks EVERY DAY. The Russians have declared portions of the city adjacent to the River as a “Red Zone.” This means that any movement is judged a military movement. Drones loiter looking for any movement and then target that movement. Consequently, many citizens are killed on a daily basis because they cannot get out of their houses. Driving a vehicle or riding a bicycle or walking on the street is certain death. Even open windows in the houses are not safe as drones will surveil and strike!
Interestingly, there is such a thing called a “drone finder.” It identifies a drone within the set parameter of the unit. In many of the locations in Ukraine you will see 3-4 blinking lights identifying a drone. BBC was in Kherson last week and documented a minimum of 100 blinking lights in a 30-minute period. For the inexperienced, one step out of the house means instant death. So those living inside the “Red Zones” are prisoners in their own houses. There are some interesting defensive moves that permits movement, even into the Red Zone, again I will not allude to them in this report but I will relate face-to-face as I have opportunity with supporters.
The situation in the hot spots is surreal. It is as if you are in a video game but you only have ONE life instead of multiple lives! Or, think of being in Jumanji, but you have one stripe on your arm—when you make a mistake you are finished! It reminds one of the Sc-Fi movies where AI is controlling everything and robotic scans track your every move. It is amazing that some of the maneuvers of those movies actually work in real life settings.
The good news is that we are being successful in efforts to assist Kherson. This success is real and possibly in future years the exact details and full narratives can be known. But, the good Lord knows all and is opening opportunities for His Church to be recognized in this dark place. I do know this, that after the war I am told there is a ready welcome awaiting the Lord’s Church. Those who have remained and resisted are receptive hearts and they are eager to hear from others who ran toward the battle against evil! (Recall 1 Samuel 17:48, “David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine.”)
Please pray for Eugenia, Ben and his partners as they continue laboring in a most unforgiving location.
Thanks to the supporters of UKRAINE MISSIONS for the funding that makes such displays of compassion possible. Through your giving the Lord and His Church are magnified!
John L. Kachelman, Jr, Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ, Montgomery, AL 36109
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