Report #15 | Buckets and PT Class

Featured Photo: A class at one of the physical therapy clinics in Ivano-Frankivsk.

This trip is winding down to the final days. I will soon be leaving Ivano-Frankivsk and traveling to Poland. I will preach in Warsaw this Lords Day and am eager to assemble with the brethren there.

The PT Classes Continue

The final class that I attended at the physical therapy clinic was once again a very rewarding time. The residents are on a three-week rotation. Gif has been faithfully attending and teaching on a weekly basis, or more often if requested. Our mission on these classes is to help the patients become interested in the Bible and how its message will give them hope even in hopeless situations. The patients come from all over Ukraine and the prospect of that coverage is exciting. Usually, we study a specific text and then have a comfortable conversation when any question is allowed and discussed. It is an environment that is enjoyed with hot tea, a coffee and snacks. Tonight, they had fresh grapes they had picked from their vines in the back. One of the questions that came up in tonight’s class asked “What kind of Church are you with?” Gif says that there have been several military personnel that have attended and they have had some very good discussions. Here are some photos from the class:

1,000+ Buckets with Lids

We continue receiving constant requests for the Family Buckets and Hygiene Bags. As soon as these are delivered, they are immediately distributed. We have TWICE received a donation of new buckets and lids from Elizabeth Revel’s dad (Mel) in LaGrange, GA. While in Ukraine I received an email from Mel that was followed up by Freddie and Nick asking about delivery of buckets. Thankfully Freddie and Jared recruited a great group to assist in the unloading.

Some of these will immediately go to JERRY MAX MORGAN JERRY O’NEAL in Holly Springs, MS. They have a steady production line where buckets are filled by local churches and then delivered and loaded into containers bound for Ukraine.

Some of the buckets are also used by LARRY BRADY in his Panama mission efforts. There the buckets are used for drip-irrigation.

Regardless of where the buckets go, the response is always the same—people LOVE the buckets and utilize them in amazing ways after the contents are long gone.

Here is communication from Mel and the some photos of the unloading.

“John, this is Mel Major in LaGrange Ga. Elizabeth Revels is our daughter. Did Nick get in contact with you about us donating buckets to Dalraida? I have a little over 1000 with lids. Is it possible to bring them tomorrow after work? It would work best for me to be there tomorrow round 5:30 central time.
All coordinated, thanks. Praying all goes well in Ukraine for y’all.”

John L. Kachelman, Jr, Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ, P.O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109