Successes in 2024!

Photo: This continues to be one my favorite photos! You have seen it before, but let this little fellow’s excitement over a big can of sauerkraut bring joy to your heart!

The year 2024 has concluded. It is chronicled in history. Its events, successes and short-comings are forever etched in the annals of history. The conclusion of the year provides us an opportunity to look back and review our actions.

The generosity and fervent support of our efforts have been blessed with amazing successes.

Throughout the year I have posted 60+ updates and photos of our actions. These are on the website and you are urged to reread and rejoice in the news. There have been many successes for which we give thanksgiving to God. There have been a few discouragements which caused our trust in God to grow stronger (Psalm 46; Psalm 122).

A recent up date from Gif

Before I offer snippets of 2024’s review, I want to insert recent communication from Gif. Recently Perry Baker has joined Gif in Ivano-Frankivsk. Here is a brief summary…

“We have been seeing a lot of positive things in the church in the last few weeks especially, the main thing being some of the members starting to invest a little more time into the church—we’ve had two surprise Sunday lunches prepared by the ladies here, plans to start hosting some studies at member’s homes, and the beginning of sorting and distribution of humanitarian aid we have received. The best part is that nearly all has been initiated by the members, not by me! I’m excited about that because it shows that they are starting to realize the ‘preacher’ is not a ‘priest’ and that we are all in this together. I think this year will be great! I have had some nice meetings in the past week especially, and two people have said they would be happy to come regularly. Having a central place will be very beneficial when we can!”

2024 was consumed with transitioning all legal registration from a total control by one person that previously existed. Gif has been busily engaged in structuring a verifiable financial accountability of funds sent to the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation. As he noted above, he has been focused on teaching that the congregation is NOT under one man’s authority (the preacher who acts like the priest) but it is a united effort by EVERY member! Gif has had to “unteach” a number of wrongs.

Because of the way the congregation had been structured, Gif was unable to distribute humanitarian aid. This hindrance was finally resolved as the statutes of the Church were amended and approved by the Religious Department. As a result, Gif is now able to distribute items. One of the first items to be distributed were the backpacks sent by the Sun Valley Church of Christ in Gilbert, AZ! These backpacks are stuffed with items critical to the winter environment. See one of the snippets below describing this project.

A few memorable snippets from 2024

The transition in Ivano-Frankivsk…this was perhaps THE BIGGEST development in our efforts. Ivan Skoleba decided to leave Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. In January, Gif, Perry and I went to Ivano-Frankivsk to initiate this transition. I am so thankful that Andrew “Gif” Gifford was eager to step in and fill that void. I think we can safely say that 2024 was consumed with Gif’s efforts to “set things in order” in the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation. He has been challenged to restore the Church’s reputation and standing with the community; restore the integrity of the distribution of benevolence aid; teach basic New Testament Christianity regarding the order and structure of congregations; bring order to fiscal responsibility and accounting; and a number of other corrective actions. Gif was joined by Perry Baker and Perry is a fantastic help in many ways. At the end of the year, I confidentially say that Gif has done very well and is involved not only in the spiritual community but is involved in the social community. Gif is teaching Bible classes to students and rehabilitation clinics, teaching courses in King David’s University, working closely with the Ivano-Frankivsk Religious Department, and doing a phenomenal work in teaching the congregation basic Bible lessons. Others working with us are very excited about Gif’s presence and work in Ivano-Frankivsk.

The fleeing from Ukraine…2024 highlighted how the opportunities for the gospel in Ukraine are multiplying but the workers are missing. Here is a blunt note from an update in January:  We are being asked by Administrations to involve Ukrainian Christians and congregations, but there has been a “depopulation” of experienced and mature Christians as many have gone to the USA and there is no expectation of their return. Consequently, many of the open doors are neglected. I am reminded of Queen Esther who faced a threatening situation and was tempted to remain uninvolved. Mordecai chided her hesitancy and his point is well-taken—Each is in a position and place that can benefit God’s Cause. They must choose to work with God or against God.

The generosity of brethren…At the end of this review you will see the summary of benevolence items shipped. In addition to the items shipped, be aware that we also have supplied funds, food, medical help, etc, directly to those in-country. All of this is the result of Christian’s generosity. A number of examples could be given, but the Sun Valley Church of Christ (Gilbert, AZ) is highlighted. “John, the Elders asked the congregation to support a special contribution to purchase and send Hygiene and Winter Kits to Ukraine. The Elders have agreed to match the contribution dollar-for-dollar up to $5,000 dollars. In Lk 6:38 the first word is GIVE, if there is a single word that summarizes the Christian life, this is it! “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35); the measure of the Christian life is not getting but giving.” Glenn Mabley, elder Sun Valley Church of Christ.

The ever-present challenge…during 2024 a number of opportunities were presented. These were actions that would help the Lord’s Church gain a valuable reputation and respect. A comment made in a February update noted: We need members of the Lord’s Church involved in this action. It is not time to retreat into “comfort” but a time to go forward! It is not time to sit and endlessly talk about plans but it is time to stand up and go forward. In a later update I noted: There is a fact—God operates and opens doors for His People to serve and glorify His Name (Colossians 4:3). How does God react when His People do not seize the open doors? The answer is found in the unforgettable narrative of 2 Kings 13:14-19. There is justified righteous anger because man shunned the opportunity opened by God. This is a sobering fact that is seldom accepted. On the Judgment Day many will be faced with the fact they were presented an open door of opportunity and shunned or delayed and the opportunity passed them by. Hence the exhortation of Ephesians 5:15-17.

The change of the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation’s internet communication…One of the problem areas we discovered is a FB page for communication that is unrestricted and no one knows who is the Admin. There are constant unwanted and unsolicited communications that members receive. To remove this problem, we have set up a Telegram site that will be utilized to filter everything connected with the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation. Messages to members will be restricted. This will also be utilized for community messaging and news releases. All associated FB connections will be forever wiped! Through this new platform, the Ivano-Frankivsk Church will be able to post news and public announcements of offerings, opportunities and scheduled outreach Bible classes. There will be events announced to get people into the Church building and studies.

The Life Boxes offered…These are boxes of food and hygiene supplies for a family of four for at least a week. They were packed in Lublin, Poland and transported to our distribution centers in Ukraine. These are dedicated to villages on or near the frontline. The motto was “Churches of Christ feed the soul, Life Boxes feed the body.” In 2024 these went only to the frontline areas as those in the large cities (Lviv, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, etc.) have more than enough supplies arriving and those in the frontline areas have nothing. I received these good words in response to a shipment to Karkov: “Dear brothers and sisters, everyone here understands the purpose and participation in the assistance project. We started distributing LIFE BOXES in Kharkov. Thank God for you and your ministry. May God bless you richly and generously. Greetings to you from Kharkov from the Church of Christ on Alekseevka. We thank you on behalf of all Kharkiv residents. We hug you! Igor”

A Summary of our Shipments for 2024

The majority of shipments went into Ukraine. However, we did schedule and coordinate shipment of containers to the Republic of Georgia; Arusha, Tanzania; Ghana; and El Salvador. Here is the summary of our shipments in 2024:

  • Total Projects—53
  • Total Value Shipped in USD—$16,171,083.25
  • Total weight—1,072,690 pounds

Funding for shipping has really decreased. We are desperate for more shipping funds. We try to be proper stewards of the funds so the Lord’s Church is maximized. Thankfully, our dear, CHARITA SHTEYNBERG is very concerned about how the Lord’s money is spent and she does the very best to stretch every dollar!

Respect and Recognition of the Church

2024 highlighted the impact that our actions have had upon Ukraine. In January we were asked to help coordinate the “spiritual rehabilitation” of the nation. This is in connection with the overall emphasis I have made for three years to the government. There is a great need for multiple therapy centers as the ruinous results of the war are becoming evident. Gif is involved in Bible classes and interaction with PT Clinics in Ivano-Frankivsk.

Another wonderful beginning is a therapy center focusing on children. Our brethren from the Hillsboro congregation (Nashville, TN) have established the Galaxy Center in Ivano-Frankivsk. The primary focus will be on therapy for traumatized children. Thanks to Gary Jerkins, Ron Swang and John Durham this center has secured a building and it is currently under renovation and will soon be operational. This follows the success of the “Sea Star Kids” that they have effectively used to offer help to children in Ukraine.

I want to add as one of the more incredible snippets of 2024. In January while in Ukraine, I met Polina Buryakov-Alexiou and Raymond Lockey of the NGO “Our Foundation.” They are doing an amazing work in developing a prosthetic manufacturing and training program in Ukraine. It is a delight to be associated with them and the potential of their work is beyond imagination! I am also amazed at Ray’s work in robotics and the potential dreams we share for the conclusion of his work. I look forward to the time when all aspects of his work can be published!

Those Supporting Our Efforts Financially in 2024

This end-of-the-year review must close with gratitude for all who have joined us in these successes! So much has been done because of the wonderful support and participation. When God’s People join together, their unity and devotion to God’s directions always brings success! Two texts come to mind that illustrate the limitless potential of Christians united in following God. Genesis 11:6, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And…now nothing which they plan to do will be impossible for them.” Nehemiah 4:6, “We built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.”

A Special Note

Please note that the MAILING address is P.O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109. Please send all mail to the P.O. Box. We had to stop receiving mail at the physical address (3740 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109) because the mail was being stolen and checks were “washed” and then used by crooks to write a check to themselves. They would wash the check so the signature remained and law enforcement said that by doing so it was not a “forgery.”

PLEASE send all snail-mail communication and support checks to UKRAINE MISSIONS, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109. Funds can also be wired into the church’s account if that is preferrable. If you wish to wire funds please contact us.

John L. Kachelman, Jr., Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109.