Update February 28, 2025

Featured Photo: Distribution of items shipped from Montgomery, AL into Donetsk Region. See below. Gif added this note, “Here are some pictures and reports from Sergiy. He’s also sent a video I can show it to you in person sometime…I checked with them and everything I send you is cleared to be sent out in reports.”

SITREP 28 February 2025

As this month draws to a close, we are inundated with geo-political actions that impact every aspect of our lives. The ramifications are felt worldwide and especially in some of the nations where we are working. A number have asked me for analysis on recent developments. I cannot share full information but here are two of the more obvious factors:

First, the Ukraine/Russian war that began in 2014 appears to be heading to resolution. All factors involved are not ready to be released but it appears that with Ukraine’s agreement to give their valuable minerals to the USA, that will develop a security that will push for “peace.” Within this broad point will be investigations and criminal pronouncements for all involved in actions that were illegal during the war years. This adjudication will apply to those in all levels of Ukraine/Russian actions (realistically do not expect the higher-ups to be held accountable and those in the lower levels will suffer the brunt of the punishments meted).

Since there is a focus on criminal NGO activities (abroad and in the USA) you can expect a special focus to be made on all groups associated with Ukraine. This will specifically include religious groups. Those who have complied with the governing guidelines have nothing to fear and will be positioned to be involved in rebuilding activities. This will be very good news for faithful Churches. But those who have not complied with the censor approval, raised funds in questionable manner, acted arrogantly regarding the martial law guidelines and whose contacts in Ukraine failed to keep a tangible and an accurate accounting of finances, will find trouble.

Second, the emphasis in the USA has been upon the immigrants who have entered the USA during the previous Administration. There is a strong push to address the numbers legally and illegally who entered the USA during the previous Administration. The “TPS” (Temporary Protection Status) by which hundreds of thousands have entered the USA is under review and most will be probably rescinded.

DHS made this comment, “We are returning integrity to the TPS system, which has been abused and exploited by illegal aliens for decades. President Trump and Secretary Noem are returning TPS to its original status: temporary.”

There are currently 17 nations that have citizens in the USA under TPS. The revocation of TPS has begun with Venezuela and Haiti being removed from the USA and repatriated to their nations. Other nations that have large numbers of TPS include El Salvador, Honduras, and Ukraine. These are the top 5 nations with registered TPS and a total registered 829,210, plus other family members they have brought into the USA once settled (what is referred to as “chain immigration”).

A quota is being enforced to remove foreign nationals. The target is those illegally here but this action will include those legally here whose TPS has been terminated. Regarding Ukraine, if a “peace settlement” is signed, then you can expect TPS for Ukrainians to be revoked since the “ongoing armed conflict, an environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions no longer exist.”

In addition to pursuing those foreign nationals brought to the USA under TPS, the INS will investigate the USA citizen sponsor who is responsible under the Federal regulations. With the corruption currently being exposed within USA NGOs there will be scrutiny of all NGOs working in the various nations where corruption is known (and right now Ukraine is in the spotlight).


Thankfully our efforts in Ukraine look bright! God has blessed us with open doors to several significant helps. We continue working and here are a few of the highlights that have transpired in February. Read below and be amazed at the activity advancing the Lord’s Cause!

From Gif…

“Hello there! Here are some pictures and reports from Sergiy. He also sent a video I can show to you in person sometime. I’m going to send you an email with a report from the guys on the computers and other things. I checked with them and everything I am sending is cleared to be sent out in reports. I am excited about the idea of WBI coming to Ivano-Frankivsk to set up a preacher training school in the Church building.”

Mini-Computers For Drone Defense

Three mini-computers were purchased to help with defense against Russian drones. These arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk and were greatly appreciated. The mini-computers were unavailable in Europe. Gif contacted Nick Revels who was able to find a suitable config machine. We ordered them. The next issue was how to get them to Ukraine quickly. I contacted MEEST who volunteered to ship them FREE via air cargo. Nick received the units and I was able to overnight to MEEST who put them on the same day flight to Ukraine! Do not let the simplicity of the last sentence make you think the logistics was easy! The delivery occurred and Gif sent this note:

“Just thought I’d tell you that the package was received and that it will be taken to its final destination this weekend. The guys are absolutely thrilled and send about 10,000,000 thank you greetings to you both. The number of times I’ve heard the phrase ‘I can’t believe this is real’ in the past few days is insane. One ‘higher up’ told us that the number of lives this will save is in the thousands. So, your efforts are greatly appreciated! I am told once everything is delivered, we can report and will have some ‘approve’ pictures about a week later.”

The following is a report from our network taking critical supplies into the frontlines:

“Greetings friends, Yesterday, a team of volunteers returned from another humanitarian trip to our defenders, visited Zaporizhia, Donetsk and Kharkiv regions. The situation is extremely difficult, constant shelling, winter frost, missing many things that would make life easier for those living there defending our nation. We are grateful to everyone who joins the meeting, supports the volunteer movement—it is thanks to your compassion that we have the opportunity to help. With the support of our American friends from Dalraida church of Christ and personally John Kachelman, Jr, Perry Baker and Gif Andrew Gifford received state-of-the-art personal computers requested to perform critical tasks (in Ukraine these computers on the market does not have yet).”

Gif said, “Sergiy sent a ton of pictures; I’ll add just a few here. You’ll notice some of our buckets (from Hillsboro Church of Christ in Nashville, TN) are in the photos. Also, when we reorganized the hygiene kits from the backpacks (from Sun Valley Church of Christ, Mesa, AZ), Sergiy went to his office and printed Dalraida’s Church logo on stickers and brought them to us because he said, ‘I want people to know where they came from.’”

Gif added, “Sergiy was very concerned about making a full reporting for our help, and he hides nothing. He’s also offered to connect us with some orphanages to take some of the children’s clothing and toys that were on last spring’s shipment. Last week when that container sprung up on us and we had to unload that portion at the church building, I sent him a text and he appeared 30 minutes later with 6 volunteers, saving us probably 3 hours of work. He said next time we have one to unload, if we can give him at least a day he could have 15–20 people to help. I believe it!”

John Durham’s Plans

Gif, I’m getting ready to make my travel arrangements but wanted to touch base with you before I did. Avery said he’s leaving Warsaw early on the Wednesday the 16th so I will try to fly in Tuesday afternoon and meet

you all. Where should I stay and when does the return train leave for Ivano-Frankivsk? I would like to head home the week of May 4th if that works for you. Does the train to Warsaw travel every day and what time does it leave and arrive? I will be glad to preach on Sunday April 20 (which I think is Easter), the 27th and May 4. I also will contact King Daniel University to see about teaching while I’m in town. I do want to visit some of the orphanages. I have an idea that I’m working on (vocational training) for the orphans and want to explore that in more detail while I’m there. I will be contacting Jerry Morgan who has worked on this and get his ideas. Finally, I’m bringing some ‘Love Bears’ for the ladies at Church to finish and distribute. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with these so I’ll attach a few pictures in a separate email. I have 300 bears already cut out, sewn up and ready to stuff. We will just need some poly-fill, scissors, thread and needles to sew up the remaining ‘incision;’ and fabric paint to decorate the bears. I wasn’t sure if these items were readily available in Ivano-Frankivsk. Please let me know what you think about these plans. I have also copied Avery, John and Tanya to see if they have any additional suggestions. Looking forward to seeing you. God bless, John”

Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Hospital Container

As readers of this site know, Dr. Gary Jerkins has long worked with medical contacts in Ukraine and has coordinated many medical training seminars. He saw some photos of medical eye equipment that C.U.R.E. (Ft. Smith, AR) had brought to Montgomery, AL and asked if those could be sent along with donations from the World Cataract Foundation (Memphis, TN). Gary coordinated with the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Hospital. On 13 December 2024 we loaded a container with items donated by the World Cataract Foundation, CURE, and other donors. This container held Family Buckets for Gif and Perry to distribute, over 500 blankets for orphans that Chip McEwen had coordinated with the Sylacauga Church of Christ (AL), supplies for a widowed group in Cherkassy whose husbands were sent into a Russian ambush where 300 were murdered, plus food and clothing for orphan care (from Kathy Cadden). The majority of the container was for the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Hospital, Ophthalmic Clinic. The Clinic will share what they do not need with others. Thanks to Charita’s logistical expertise, Tanya’s coordination of Poland to Ukraine delivery, and Gif and Perry’s coordination the container was unloaded!

That container’s totals were: 721 items loaded; total weight of 19,420 pounds; $250,245.00 total value shipped. Sit back and appreciate the impact and far-reaching ripples of this one container!

“February 18, 2025, Greetings everybody! Finally, the container is on the last leg of the route. Nicholi called me today as he’d received a call from Bogdan and the truck will be leaving Poland tonight, so tomorrow it will be in Ivano-Frankivsk. Unfortunately, Nicholi is out of country and on his way to Germany where he has 200+ Ukrainian kids and there are some problems he has to personally take care of. So, there’s no way for him to be in Ukraine or Ivano-Frankivsk tomorrow. Please, those on the site, please, help the container to be received and unloaded without any problems. Dr. Serhiy, if you don’t mind, I’ll give your contact information to the logistics guy so that he can advise on the time of the arrival. Or if there’s another person who could steer the process from your side, please, give me that contact information. Big thanks to all of you! Wishing you a great and blessed day! Tanya”

Gif sent a note communicating the process. The hospital folks are very pleased with everything. They also soon will be opening a new therapy wing and are going to get together a list of things they might need for that. Nicholi says maybe we can find some in Europe, but also maybe we have some in Montgomery depending on what they need. Sounded like it will be mostly room furnishings, not equipment. I told them we’d look over the list once they provided it to us.

From the Hospital came this message:

“Hello to all our friends! We want to tell you a big thanks for all staff and instruments, which you share with us and deliver it to our hospital. It’s all – very useful and will help us to make our medical care better, to support our military patient. What about us—we will open another examination room in polyclinic department and hope to use slit lamp there (but first it needs to be refurbished and adapt for our electric system), microscope – will use to internship study! Once more, not only from us, but from all Hospital Chairman, many thanks for very useful shipment!”

John L. Kachelman, Jr., UKRAINE MISSIONS, Dalraida Church of Christ, P. O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109