Update March 14, 2025

Featured Photo: We continue to get critical supplies and support to those in need. Here are some medical supplies that were shipped and taken to the hospitals and clinics near the frontlines and it was made possible with the assistance of the Ivano-Frankivsk Religious Department.

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1). Here is a great illustration of how cooperation results in amazing results. Look at the blessings resulting from brotherly unity connecting…Kingston, Jamaica–> Montgomery, AL–>Jackson, TN–>Chimala, Tanzania–>Denton, TX–>Kingston, Jamaica!

I received a message from Doug Schofield who had been asked if he could get some laptops for the preaching school in Jamaica. He asked me if I had any contacts that would offer possible help. I recalled Howell Ferguson talking about a contact that sent laptops to Chimala.

Howell replied: “Hello John, it’s good to hear from you. Mary and I returned home from Tanzania last Thursday night. I’ll check with this brother in Texas to see if he would be willing to donate some laptops. How many do you think they will need?”

Doug: “If we could get 6 for them that would be great! Thank you for your help.”

As we were unloading two CURE trucks this week Doug told me: “Just letting you know all laptops were actually delivered into the hands of the preacher students! Mailed free!”

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity!”

Overflowing Thanksgiving

“For the ministry of this service is not only fully supplying the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing through many thanksgivings to God” (2 Corinthians (9:12). This summarizes our objectives in doing good to all so that God will be magnified and open hearts will receive the good news of reconciliation.

A number of previous posts have highlighted efforts to assist the Regional Oncology Hospital in Ivano-Frankivsk. Here is the link to a visit there last July: https://www.kachelman.com/ukraine/blog/2024/10/08/fall-trip-report-4-oncology-hospital/

Gif continues eagerly working, nurturing contacts and assisting in any possible way. Recently he was able to work with the hospital as it continues construction on the new wing for radiation treatment. Here are some communications and photos are at the end of this post.

Hello there! I received this from Lesia at the oncology center—”Hello Andrew! We got furniture for our patients’ wards, linear accelerator hall for patients’ clothes and in the doctors’ office!!! Thank you so much again and again! And I want to share my warmest wishes to John Kachelman! We are in the installing process of a linear accelerator that was donated by Germany. It is long process, few months and then training of the staff. But this will allow us to help so many more people. We will invite you and John for the opening of our department!!” She made this public release. -Gif

“Thanks to our benefactors, our radiology department was replenished with new furniture to equip the renovated premises, wards and the inpatient ward. We express special gratitude to the Churches of Christ, the director of the Ukrainian mission, the American public figures and philanthropists John Kachelman, Andrew Gifford, and the Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk. Once again, you do not remain aloof from our needs and find an opportunity to help! Thanks to your support, our patients and medical staff have the opportunity to receive and provide medical care in more comfortable conditions! Your contribution is very important in this difficult time for the whole country. Thank you for your concern and support! Together to Victory!”

Peace negotiations…

This week publicizes many weeks of negotiations trying to bring the Russo-Ukrainian war to an end. The scope and intensity of these meetings is unbeknownst to many. Such have been ongoing even during the Presidential election and developments are not just this week’s news. You can read the “news” and get a skewed version of what is permitted to be released. Rest assured there is an unstoppable energy driving the war’s end. It will happen.

As with the diabolical history of all wars, the end will be unpalatable. Injustice will go unpunished. Evil will not be eradicated. The ruin and devastation will never be rebuilt. And, all of the human factors will never be rehabilitated. This is history’s legacy of war. And, such is unceasing. The Lord stated that there will “always be wars and rumors of war.” While most readers of this update are focused on Ukraine, take a quick look at the headlines and see the evil of war throughout the world. And so, history brings us to the present point in the Russo-Ukrainian War.

After 11 years of war, which began in 2014 with Russia’s invasion and seizure of Ukraine’s sovereign territory, a negotiated “peace” is about to be announced. Millions of lives have been lost. Millions more have been maimed. An incalculable cost in destruction. The lives and legacies of families are forever scarred. It will take generations (possibly even longer than the aftermath of WW2) for “recovery.”

From a post on my last Spring’s trip I spoke of the eventual “settlement” of the war and Putin’s objective of establishing a “grey zone” (see: https://www.kachelman.com/ukraine/blog/2024/04/18/report-13-2024-spring-trip/).

The Lord assured us that the “Forever Wars” of carnal strife will continue. Nations will continue to yield to evil aspirations seeking to force other sovereign nations to submit to a foreign power. This is reality and no “Pollyanna” concept of a one-world governing (League of Nations; United Nations; etc) will correct this evil. This is life on earth controlled by satanic usurpation of earth.

A sobering historical note: On January 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower warned against the establishment of a “military-industrial complex.” His speech was less than ten minutes as he delivered his political farewell to the American people on national television from the Oval Office of the White House. Many were surprised when the military leader and hero of World War 2 voiced strong warnings about the dangers of the “military-industrial complex.” Even a casual look at the Russo-Ukrainian War validates President Eisenhower’s concern. Volumes can be written as to how the warned danger is documented in the current war, and sadly will be a continuous legacy. (BTW opposition to the “military industrial complex” is not antithetical to one’s national patriotism!)

Our path forward

Even as the war in Ukraine continues, we continue our efforts. The above reports reveal the current efforts and these and others have positioned us to assist in even greater visions. The efforts in various therapeutic services continue and we are positioned to assist with the “spiritual rehabilitation” efforts that follow the physical, emotional, vocational and family therapies being implemented. I am joined in this monumental task by a number of vetted professionals who share our common belief that true peace is possible only “in Christ” (Ephesians 2). The combined talents of this group are amazing. The willingness and self-sacrifice of those in this group are inspiring. We are joined and encouraged by a myriad of those in Ukraine who are also positioned to assist. Those struggling from the devastations of the war, clawing their way out of despair, face “impossibles,” but we will be by their side and encouraging them. All will have a choice and we will encourage them to look seriously at the Scriptures and “choose life.”

We face a mountain to climb, “with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

So, for those who are asking what is going on, this is my reply at the moment. We have plans, we are positioned, we have developed critical trust, we are working now and will continue. God has opened a number of doors of opportunity and we will do our best to seize the moment.

The prophets’ frustration

Thirty-five years ago, I developed a series of lessons from the prophecy of Habakkuk (which are now in a book). At that time, I was confounded and frustrated by events in civil and church life. The prophet’s frustration perfectly expressed my feelings:

How long, Lord, have I called for help, and You do not hear? I cry out to You, “Violence!” Yet You do not save. Why do You make me see disaster, and make me look at destitution? Yes, devastation and violence are before me; strife exists and contention arises. Therefore, the Law is ignored, and justice is never upheld. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore, justice comes out confused.

Habakkuk’s dilemma was answered by the Almighty God:

“Look among the nations! Watch! Be horrified! Be frightened speechless! For I am accomplishing a work in your days—You would not believe it even if you were told!” (Habakkuk 1:2-5)

The message to Habakkuk’s frustrations regarding civil and spiritual evil is simple—God is in control! It may not appear that God is in control BUT He is. And, not only is He in control, He IS DOING unbelievable things in the very moments when He seems the most removed and absent!

So, when you are frustrated with what appears to be evil’s triumph, find hope in the assurance God gives, “I am accomplishing a work in your days—You would not believe it even if you were told!”

I have been released by my orthopedic surgeon and thus cleared for action in Ukraine! I am in communication and can assure you that amazing opportunities are available. In a recent zoom meeting with the Governor of Odesa I was asked, several times, to convey the gratitude and respect that has resulted from your assistance to Ukraine during these dire times.

John L. Kachelman, Jr, UKRAINE MISSIONS, Dalraida Church of Christ, P.O. Box 3085, Montgomery, AL 36109
